A recent visitor at Sunday Mass remarked on how diverse the community was, worshipping together.
We are proud our community is made up of people whose stories began in 28 different countries, from every continent. That diversity is seen, too, in those families who have lived in Maryhill for generations as well as those who, because of new expanding housing, have come more recently.
We are blessed with people who keep our memory alive and by those new young families who bring energy, life and hope. We are most visible when we celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday, but we seek to reach out every day to the whole community of Maryhill. Rooted in the vision of Vatican II, we want to celebrate the liturgy as beautifully and worthily as possible.
So nourished, we seek to build a community, under God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, a warm and inclusive parish where we share the “griefs and anguish, joys and hopes of all people” (Gaudium et Spes 1).
We want The Immaculate Conception, today, to truly be a safe place where all are welcome – none are judged. You can read more about our church ethos in our response to the Synod called by Pope Francis.
Our Synod Response