Celebrating the Sacraments at The Immaculate Conception

The seven Sacraments are the life blood of our parish. They are the channels of God’s grace to us and the moments our parish community comes together to offer worship and praise. They are precious to us, so we aim to celebrate them in a worthy and inclusive way. The seven sacraments are categorised into three – initiation, healing and vocation.

1. The Sacraments of Initiation

Baptism is the gateway to the life of the church, the beginning of the journey of faith. We will be delighted to welcome your child into the community of faith in our parish. However, we can only baptise if there is some commitment. You need to be here at Mass and join in the life of the parish. You will also need to choose godparents who will be role model for your child and a support to you as parents. The godmother and godfather should be baptised and practising Catholics. Please download the baptism form and suggest dates so we can find a date and time that suits.



The Mass is the centre of our lives. Children are prepared in the local catholic primary schools. We also welcome everyone who worships here to the Lord’s Supper. We have an excellent committed team of catechists who will help prepare all children for First Holy Communion, including those from schools outwith the parish. Please contact the parish for details



This sacrament is conferred by the Bishop each year. Our schools, in partnership with the parish and the families work together to make this an important moment for our young people. Adults in the process of RCIA (below) are Confirmed at the Easter Vigil.


Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This is the process whereby people who are interested in being baptised into Catholic Church or if already baptised a Christian, (seek full communion with the church) receive instruction, guidance, and support on their journey to becoming a full member of the Catholic church. The process starts in September and moves in stages towards Lent and the Easter Vigil when Baptism in celebrated. The group is supported on their journey by the parish priest, Fr Jim Lawlor, and the catechists, (lay people). We meet one night a week in chapel house. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a catholic, please contact immaculatconception@rcag.org.uk or call 0141-946-2071.



Baptism registration form

2. The Sacraments of Healing


The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is one many find difficult. It is not only about examining my life and confessing my selfishness; it’s a moment of healing for any past hurst, mistakes and regrets. It is celebrated at a scheduled time each week, available on request and is also celebrated as a parish community twice a year (at advertised times in Lent and Advent).


Anointing of the Sick

From the very earliest days of the church, the elders came to the sick, laid hand on them and anointed them. This sacrament is NOT the ‘last rites’. It is offered when someone is close to death to death but is most often offered to anyone who is unwell, ageing or in specific medical need at home or in hospital. It is celebrated on request by any individual and also (at advertised times) as a parish event for all.


3. The Sacraments of Vocation (at the service of the community)


We will be delighted to help you prepare for and celebrate the commitment of your married life and the Sacrament of Marriage. As soon as you are planning – even in the early stages – please contact us. Marriage is both a spiritual, sacrament reality and also a legal state that requires some preparation and paperwork.

Please do not be anxious if one of you in not Catholic or is unbaptised. That is no obstacle to you marrying in church. We can explain what is involved in that situation.

Because we believe marriage to be so sacred it cannot be celebrated by us anywhere other than in the church. (Not in a hotel or venue) Contact us soon to have a chat!


Holy Orders (Priesthood)

Just as every parish is made up of families of every shape and type, so every parish has a pastor or priest at its service. Consecrated after the image of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, Priesthood is at the service if the community, just as the Lord knelt to wash his disciples feet. Through the proclamation of the gospel and the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, the priest works to serve and lad his community of faith. Father Jim is our priest, committed to working with everyone to build up a parish community where all are welcome, and none are judged. If you are considering priesthood (or the permanent diaconate) speak to Father Jim whenever you can.


Other moments of celebration


SPRED (Special Religious Development)

For adults (22 years +) who have a learning disability, helping them to grow in faith. Each of these ‘Friends’ has their own helper (Catechist) and both Friend accompanies each other through each session. Sessions involve settling down activities, praying together and finishing with simple food, conversation and singing. Catechists meet once a week in school term-time (28 weeks). Friends join every second session, lasting about 2 hours. Drivers bring Friends to SPRED and take them home, every 2 weeks. One group meets on Monday (4 Friends), the other (3 Friends) on Thursday. You don’t need special qualifications to get involved in SPRED. You need a warm heart and an ability to be a friend to someone. Training is provided. The SPRED sessions have been in hibernation for the last 2plus years due to the pandemic. To restart in September 2022, we urgently need 3 Catechists and 3 Drivers.


Arranging a Funeral

When you have a bereavement, please let us know. We are anxious to support you as best we can as a parish community at this difficult time. We will ensure the funeral of your loved one is as personal and as comforting as possible. There are different ways in which we can do that, best suited to your needs and comfort. Please download the form and get in touch to discuss how we can best help you.


Funeral Form